Vulnerability in WooCommerce Stripe Gateway Plugin

WooCommerce Stripe Gateway pluginThis article gives a limelight on a vulnerability discovered within the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin

In today’s growing digital era, eCommerce platforms have become an important channel for many businesses out there to reach their targeted customers.

Where WooCommerce holds a significant portion of these online stores. To provide secure payment processing, it offers the Stripe Gateway plugin, which integrates the Stripe payment system into the platform.

This article gives a limelight on a vulnerability discovered within the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin. Various eCommerce businesses and developers can take various steps to secure their platforms.

What is the Vulnerability in WooCommerce Stripe Plugin?

It is an invalid Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerability that allows any invalid user to see sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data, which includes various emails, the user’s name, and the full address of any WooCommerce order.

Potential Impact of Vulnerability

The penalty of exploiting the vulnerability in the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin can be very serious for both eCommerce businesses and their customers.

Here are some of the potential impacts:

  • Compromised Customer Data:

    Attackers are gaining unauthorized access to payment information like credit card details, and addresses which can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and reputational damage for the customers.
  • Financial Losses:

    Exploiting the vulnerability could allow attackers to manipulate payment data, potentially redirecting funds to unauthorized accounts or bypassing legitimate transaction processes. This could result in substantial financial losses for both businesses and customers.
  • Reputational Damage:

    eCommerce businesses depend heavily on their reputation for their success. A small security breach due to the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway vulnerability can cause a loss of customer trust, leading to a loss of sales, customer loyalty, and damage to brand reputation.

To address the vulnerability in the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway Plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Update the Plugin

    Log in to your WordPress account.
    Move to the ‘Plugins’ection.
    Go to the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway Plugin and then check if there is an update available.
    If there is any update, click on the ‘UpdNow buttons on to update.
  1.  Verify the Update

    After updating the plugin, verify the version’s installation.
    Go to the “Plugins” section and look for the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway Plugin.
    Check that the version number is 7.4.1 or higher.
  2. Implement Security Best Practices: To update the plugin, it is quite crucial to follow the best security practices to protect the customer’s data.

Additional tips you should keep in mind:

  • Maintain Regular Backups:

    Back up your website regularly to make sure that you have a recent copy of your data in case of any security incidents.
  • Use a Web Application Firewall (WAF):

    Install and configure a Web Application Firewall to prevent common security threats and protect against known vulnerabilities. Popular WAF plugins for WordPress include Wordfence, Sucuri, and All In One WP Security & Firewall.
  • Employ Strong Passwords:

    Ensure that strong passwords are used for all user accounts, including administrative and customer accounts. Encourage your customers to use strong passwords as well.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

    Implement two-factor authentication for all user accounts to add an extra layer of security. This can help in preventing unauthorized access even if passwords are compromised.
  • Regularly Update All Plugins and Themes:

    Keep all plugins and themes on your website up-to-date to ensure that you have the latest security patches and bug fixes.
  • Remove Unused Plugins and Themes:

    Delete any unused plugins and themes from your website to reduce the potential attack surface.
  • Monitor Website Activity:

    Implement a security monitoring system to track and log suspicious activities on your website. This can help identify and mitigate potential security breaches.
  • Educate Users:

    Train your employees and customers on basic security practices, such as not sharing sensitive information and being cautious of phishing attempts.


The discovery of a critical vulnerability in the WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin highlights the importance of prioritizing security in eCommerce.


  • The WordPress team recently released updates to address the security issues, highlighting the ongoing efforts to support the security of the platform and its plugins.
  • eCommerce businesses should consider implementing a comprehensive security strategy that includes regular vulnerability assessments, secure coding practices, and continuous monitoring for potential threats.