Things you must know about invisible Invisalign retainers

Just as it starts, your Invisalign retainers treatment too comes to an end one day. That is obviously a special day for you! It is the day when you can see the overall result of your Invisalign therapy. Congratulations for your straighter teeth!

Invisalign Express is a version of the cutting-edge technology to straighten the teeth called Invisalign. With this particular version of the therapy your treatment would have completed in just six months. On the other hand, for more complex cases of malocclusion of the teeth you would have had to be on your aligners for more or less two years at a stretch. The time taken to complete an orthodontic procedure for straightened teeth is definitely an important factor. But here is also something that is even more important! At the end of the treatment when you have perfectly straightened teeth, it is important to retain the teeth that way. Retaining of the teeth in their straightened position is also one of the critical parts of Invisalign treatment.

In other words, this is to say there is more to Invisalign treatment than the final set of braces coming off your teeth for the final time. Successful Invisalign treatment never ends with straightened teeth, enhanced smile and finally coming off of the last set of braces.   

A lot has already said and written about Invisalign technology to straighten the teeth. Now it is time to switch our focus on Invisalign retainers. It is these retainers that ensure your commitment and hard work to get the teeth straightened does not go down the drain, wasted. It is crucial to switch over to retainers once your Invisalign treatment ends and your teeth are properly aligned and straightened. The retainers prevent your teeth from sinking back into their initial positions and negate all the achievements from the treatment. This is explained by a renowned Invisalign provider having years of experience in dealing with invisible fixed retainer in London. At any reliable dental surgery patients are provided with utmost transparency. This helps people taking informed decisions on crucial matters. There is no need to spare words on how much their new smile matters to those patients. Their newly defined smile certainly weighs much above the cost of their Invisalign treatment. That smile can never be allowed to get lost or obscured in any way. These patients must be enabled to enjoy their new and transformed smile as well as newly found confidence for the rest of their life.

This is the reason of presenting this blog post. Here we discuss various topics that help you keep your teeth straight after your Invisalign teeth straightening treatment.

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The results of Invisalign treatment may be elusive. Why? This is because your teeth could prove to be difficult to tame.    

Once the final set of retainers comes off for the last time the teeth are desperate to sink back into their earlier misaligned positions. This negates or reverses the months of hard work and commitment that you put up diligently to get those aligned. This desperation for the teeth to reverse back to the initial position is more severe in the first few months following your Invisalign teeth straightening treatment. 

Why does this happen? There is definitely a reason behind this peculiar trend that the teeth show. During the treatment when your teeth are moving your jawbone becomes soft and spongy. This allows the teeth to move and get straightened. But once your treatment ends and you stop wearing aligners the jawbone needs some time to harden again. This transition phase makes the teeth to settle back into their previous positions prior the treatment explains an orthodontist with years of experience in handling cases of invisible fixed retainer. Teeth are also known to drift from their position with age. Changed position of the teeth is a normal part of ageing says the expert.

Importance of retainers in orthodontic procedures

This is the reason why you need wearing retainers once your Invisalign treatment comes to an end. Retainers prevent your teeth sinking back into their initial positions in course of time. Retainers hold your teeth to their correct alignment in their final perfect position. Retainers play a crucial role in Invisalign treatments. It helps in ways more than one. Some of its advantages include the following –

  • Preserving the corrected alignment of the teeth
  • Preserving your ideal bite
  • Preventing overcrowding of the teeth
  • Maintaining proper gap between the teeth achieved through orthodontic procedures
  • Preventing grinding of the teeth during sleep or bruxism

Different types of retainers used in Invisalign

Invisalign uses only one type of retainers which comes under the brand name Vivera. It is a very popular retainer for Invisalign patients. Let us dig more about this range of retainers. Vivera offers clear, transparent retainers that are easily removable. This range of retainers is made by none other but Align Technology, the company that manages Invisalign. Vivera retainers are costlier than almost any other brand of removable retainer. It is made from a unique variety of plastic which is much stronger and durable than any other variety of removable retainers that is available in the market. This range of retainers can easily last you ten years or even more.

Until the consignment of your Invisalign retainers reaches you, it is utmost important to keep wearing the last set of your Invisalign aligner trays on the teeth. This prevents the teeth from sinking back into initial positions before the treatment. Usually, Invisalign providers recommend wearing these removable Vivera retainers for three months both day and night once your Invisalign treatment comes to an end says a dentist in London dealing in retainers and braces.

Once this three-month period comes to an end then you have to continue wearing your retainers at night before going to bed. Wearing post-treatment orthodontic retainers’ night-long is a habit that you should better build for the rest of your life. However, your dentist may provide you with a different regimen of wearing retainers based on your individual treatment plan.

Removable retainers cover up your entire mouth. So, there is no risk of shifting for the teeth at the back. In order to make the retainers do their work you have to slip those on every night without failure. If you forget or fail doing so then your teeth are more likely to drift away into their initial position. As soon as straightening your teeth is over you must switch over to wearing removable retainers suggest dentists working at the 1A Orthodontics London. Initially you must wear the retainers for at least 22 hours a day. Then you have to ear the appliances only at night to retain your straightened and enhanced smile.